Until the last military transformed government, despite a National Health Policy (1993) and national health development plans for the period 2000-2016, health has been a low priority and even lack of clear leadership. Increasing certain amount on health expenditure recent years makes emphasis on infrastructure only, but citizens still depend on private hospitals regionally and locally, which are expensive with poor quality care. Yangon has seen private hospitals of local and foreign JV as well as representatives from overseas hospitals for instance from Thailand for the rich only. The most significant achievement is the renovation and better service of Yangon General Hospital, which was aided by the UK government upon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi request. Consequently it becomes a hope among people.
In addition to deterioration of infrastructure and poor standard of services, Myanmar suffers burden of dieses. Food and nutrition insecurity and inadequate facilities result in malnourishment, low birth weight and high Infant, child and maternal mortality rate.
Drugs importers, distributers, and local drug stores play an important role in the habitual health solutions of the country. But it still fails any foreign factories in Myanmar, except government owned pharmaceutical industry and FAME, a successful pharma producer, manufacturing in government production facilities.
Myanmar sees health sector at the present as follows:
Base on the 2015 national election manifesto of National League for Democracy (NLD), the primary health care facility leading to universal health coverage will be stimulated by increasing the national health budget in collaboration of international organizations, private sector and investors. Furthermore drug production and opening private hospitals and health clinics under standardization will be promoted. To combat infectious and non-communicable dieses, both prevention programmes and research programmes as well as medical teaching, high quality drugs, upgrading health staffs will be encouraged. International experts, organization and medical college will be welcomed. Healthcare management systems and emergency healthcare programmes, which will be fostered, are interesting sectors for investors. Health insurance will be a regular basis of new health system.